Sean & Sharon O'Hearn
RE/MAX Capital Diamond Realty


CONGRATULATIONS to our amazing clients on the purchase of their new beautiful home! Thank you for your trust and confidence! 👏🏻

realestate #sold #thankyou #thekeystosellingyourhome #weworkharder #seanandsharon #amherstburg #essexcountyrealtors #sellingagent #buyingagent #propertyforsale

💁🏻‍♂️Sean O’Hearn

💁🏼‍♀️Sharon O’Hearn

💎 RE/MAX Capital Diamond Realty
💻 Realtors


Sharon O’Hearn

Welcome to Our Blog. We will share what we think are interesting articles, beautiful pictures, humour, and Real Estate related news. We will also publish Sean's newsletters which are informative and keep you up to date on the current market. Thank you for the opportunity to share!


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